I am, in fact, Nowhere. Actually, I'm somewhere but there are people who are casually looking for me who I do not wish to be successful. We have created problems for each other in the past; theirs was imprisonment while mine were of a more personal nature.
The agency from which I retired is the U. S. Border Patrol. Numerous instances exist wherein the USBP is exactly the same as it has always been and there are others in which it is radically different. The similarities have to do with managerial mind-set and the differences pertain to tactical application of the managerial mind set.
In later posts, I'll attempt to describe (through my own memories as well as those of others) what it was like in what is called the "Old Patrol".
As to any bona fides I may have, my training in tracking was given by a student of Ab Taylor. Weapons instruction was accomplished by three men; the most notable of which was Bill Jordan. The other two are still living and, for their safety, I choose not to reveal their names.
Stay tuned and we can ride the line together.
Deo Vindice
Agent Nowhere Man