31 May 2011

Death's Face In Houston

This individual is not a Tonk.  He is a surly individual who could not survive in his own Third World country so he had to come to ours in the attempt to degrade our own gene pool.  His country of origin is known: Mexico.  Johoan Rodriguez, 26 murdered  Houston Police Officer over the weekend.  Mr. Rodrigues' blood alcohol level was .238 - almost three times the legal limit.  You may read the details of the story here, but there's more to it than just what's in the newspaper.

ICE has reported to HPD that Mr. Rodriguez has been deported (not "voluntarily returned") twice: once in 2005 and once in 2006.  He has also made an oral false claim to U.S. citizenship and a documented false claim to U.S. citizenship (both are prosecutable offenses).

Re-entry after deportation is a violation of  8 USC Sec. 1326 and is a felony.  Why was Rodriguez not prosecuted under that statute after his 2005 deportation.  Why was he simply deported again in 2006?  Michael Chertoff, George W. Bush's Secretary of Homeland Security played a hand in declining prosecution of this dangerous thug.  He (and his vile master) were busy prosecuting two Border Patrol Agents - Ramos and Compean - for what they maintained was illegal use of force against a repeat drug trafficker.  Anyone who believes that George W. Bush, as the Yankee President, was not a friend of Tonks has to be a deeply deluded individual.  

So, let's see what Bush and Chertoff have to their credit as far as Mr. Rodriguez is concerned:
  • Failure to prosecute a re-entry after doportation
  • Failure to prosecute an oral false claim to U. S. citizenship
  • Failure to prosecute a documented false claim to U.S. citizenship
I wonder how this will make Officer Will's widow and children feel as time goes on.  Mrs. Will is scheduled to give birth to another child in two months.  Barry the Pretender and Janet the Clueless (his own Secretary of Homeland Security) have assured the Will family - and us as well - that the U.S./Mexico border is as safe as it's ever been.  In a way, that's true ... it has never been safe.  But it is small consolation to fatherless children and a husband-less wife to be consoled with the hollow words of either a ruling Republican or a ruling Democrat.  There is only one difference between any of the members of the power elite: style.  In content, they facilitate the same result: misery.  Leviathan has no soul.

I wonder, to which part of the nine circles of hell Dante Alighieri would have consigned these lying pecksniffs had he written Ill Inferno yesterday?

Deo Vindice

30 May 2011

Oklahoma's Increase in Potential Leftist Voters

Uniradioinforma has revealed an astounding census fact:
Los hispanos aumentaron de 5,2% de la población de Oklahoma en 2000 a 8,9% en 2010.
The Hispanic population of Oklahoma, in ten years has increased from 5.2% to 8.9%.  The photographic insert in Uniradioinforma's article seems to suggest that this huge increase has been accomplished by illegal aliens.  No doubt, there are many Tonks included in that giant increase in Oklahoma's population, but certainly not all of them are Tonks.

Given the Leftists' ability to supplement the normal voter pool with persons of questionable eligibility, this is a development worth watching.

Deo Vindice

28 May 2011

Happy Birthday, Border Patrol!

On this day in 1924, the U.S. Congress established the United States Border Patrol as part of the Immigration Bureau, an arm of the Department of Labor. Its duties included the prevention of smuggling and the arrest of illegal entrants into the United States.

 During Prohibition smuggling absorbed most of the attention of the border patrol, as bootleggers avoided the bridges and slipped their forbidden cargo across the Rio Grande by way of pack mules. 

In 1933, the Bureau of Immigration and the Bureau of Naturalization into the Immigration and Naturalization Service were united, and in 1940 the patrol moved out of the Department of Labor to the Department of Justice.  Now, it has been transferred into the Department of Homeland Security (along with the Secret Service and the Coast Guard) and not-so-ably overseen by our friend, Janet the Clueless.

26 May 2011

Photo ID Now Required For Voting In Texas

Go Away, Tonks and Serial Voters
Today, the Texas legislature passed a Voter Photo ID law (story here).  Tomorrow, Governor Rick Perry will sign it.  This places Texas in company with South Carolina and Wisconsin in the attempt to remove one more avenue for voter fraud to drive upon.

When Lyndon Baines Johnson was a U.S. Representative from Texas, the standing joke among residents of Starr County was that even folks in the cemetery were voting for him.  Many refinements have been made to that old fraud (not Johnson - he was unexcelled in that respect) since then.  It is apparently much easier for unqualified people to vote in our larger cities than it is in places where most voters and poll watchers know each other.  How else could one explain the tendencies for larger cities to keep electing Democrats and otherwise good Southrons to elect Machine Republicans?

I know ... the answer is "herd mentality and intellectual vacancy".

25 May 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day is a day which, originally, was designed to honor Union servicemen who had died during the War To Prevent Southern Independence.  Several years later Confederate States of America war dead were included in the observation.

Texas has (until recently) observed 19 January as our date for such affairs.  We call it Confederate Heroes Day.  Now, there is a different federal holiday celebrated at that time and "CHD" has fallen into disuse in Texas.  Shame on us.

This video is in memory of the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Home Guard of the Confederate States who fought, and in many cases died, far from home to preserve Liberty and their God Given Rights.
 Deo Vindice

ACLU of Indiana Has A New Logo

ACLU of Indiana

Those poor folks of the Indiana's branch of the American Civil Liberties Union are most certainly confused.  They have introduced a federal lawsuit to attempt to block a new State law from coming into effect.  The law would permit State and local police to either detain or arrest a person who has been notified that an action has been taken against them pursuant to immigration law.  Story here 

Their point of departure from sanity is illustrated by one Mr. Falk:
"For these three plaintiffs and many others in similar situations, this law would allow their arrests simply because paperwork — perhaps even paperwork supporting their routes to citizenship — had been issued by an agency sometime in their lives, even if they have committed no crime," ACLU of Indiana legal director Ken Falk said in a statement.
 The "route to citizenship" is the new euphemism for "a way to allow a criminal alien to become a U.S. citizen".  Such a person is a criminal because he or she violated existing law to arrive here in the first place.  It is called Entry Without Inspection, or "EWI" (8 United States Code, Sec. 1325).  Under current law, EWI's have no recourse to adjust their status from illegal to legal.  Because the EWI has violated the law, the Tonk is per se "excludible".  "Excludible" means that the person will be excluded from all others standing in line awaiting lawful entry.  For them, there is no "route to citizenship".

Mr. Falk (and others of similar persuasion) need to be asked whether or not they have a social and cultural death wish.  Thee is a finite limit as to how many people who have no desire to be assimilated the several States can absorb.  The Mexicans' cry for the "reconquista" of what they call Aztlan is not simply the grito of a few crazies; for many, it is the burning desire of their lives.

Mr. Falk's confusion probably has its basis in either a deeply seated self-loathing and a wish to have others reduce the comforts of life which his trade as a lawyer has provided for him or it is based upon fashionable notions of "diversity".  Those Tonks who mightily resist assimilation want to take away both Falk's comfort and any diversity that he may worship.  Should he have any doubt about that fact, I would be glad to introduce him to some not-so-nice people on both sides of The Line who will assure him that he is, in fact, nothing but a useful idiot.

Deo Vindice

24 May 2011

What Is A Tonk?

Tonks Misbehaving
People keep asking me, "What do you mean by 'Tonk'"?

The title "Tonk" is used almost exclusively by the Border Patrol.  Before the reign of Jimmy Carter and his worthless INS Commissioner, Leonel Castillo, the term was used "in the clear" on the radio.  Subsequent to that not-so-dynamic duo, it has been used only in private conversations between Agents.

Officially, "Tonk" is an acronym which stands for "Territory of origin not known".  It is used to describe an individual who has not yet been intensively interviewed by the Border Patrol to determine his or her country of origin.  As everyone knows, ethnicity is not a reliable indicator of nationality.  Just because a person is of obvious Latin extraction it does not necessarily follow that the person is  Mexican.  Under Border Patrol administrative procedure it it vital to discover a Tonk's nationality.  Mexicans (in theory), unless they have entered the U.S. without inspection several times, are simply shooed-over the border at the nearest Port of Entry.  If a Mexican has been apprehended several times, the Old Patrol would have set him/her up for formal deportation.

An alien of Latin ethnicity (or any other ethnicity for that matter) who is not a Mexican national cannot be pushed back into Mexico.  They must be put on an airplane and sent back to the country of their nationality.  These people are known as OTM's, or "Other Than Mexicans".

There is  plenty of room for confusion in the matter of determining nationality.  Nationals of countries South of the United States come in all hues: Asian, Anglo, Black, Latin.  Frequently, a Tonk from another country will try to pass as a national of Mexico in order to avoid being sent back to his real home turf.  Some will calim U. S. citizenship (whether with the aid of documents or without).  Should the individual "break" under questioning and admit the truth, the person could be looking at some serious prison time (at least under the Old Patrol's watch).

Let me be very clear: "Tonk" is not a term or racial derision; it is a temporary geographic description.  Once, I apprehended a female Tonk.  She was Black and made an oral false claim to U. S. citizenship.  She claimed to have been born and raised in New Orleans.  Non-withstanding her accent (which was nowhere near a Louisiana accent), I took her back to the station for further questioning.  When she couldn't recall the name of the street in New Orleans with the trolly tracks, I knew that she'd break.  She finally admitted that she was from Belize.  She was no longer a Tonk at that point and we sent her home.

23 May 2011

"Greenhouse Gas" Not a Threat From Texas

A story in the Texas Tribune tells it all.

Acting on behalf of 14 other states, the state of Texas today filed an opening brief in its case seeking to overturn a finding by the Environmental Protection Agency that greenhouse gases pose a danger to public health and welfare. According to the brief, the EPA's decision was "arbitrary and capricious".

We have quite enough gas-bags generating intolerable amounts of noxious fumes. U.S. Representative Shiela Jackson-Lee, with her triple crown weave, has been doing an admirable job of producing malodorous pronouncements. Representing a gerrymandered district of inner-city Houston (and carefully selected suburbs), Jackson-Lee has been unsurpassed in her seemingly never-ending quest to be the buffoon she believes herself not to be.

We Texans need not vote her out of office; she's always good for laughs.

Deo Vindice

20 May 2011

Moslems' Champion Downcast

Avoiding foreign entanglements is something that U. S. Presidents have had a difficult time achieving. The current one, Barry the Pretender, is no different. Today, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel informed him that what Pretender had demanded was never doing to happen.

This, of course, ensures that the residents of the pretend country of Palestine will continue to chunk rocks, bottle rockets and larger rockets at the Israelies until the latter decide they've had a belly-full. Ever since the late 1940's (when the Balfour Declaration came to fruition) our Jewish friends have had to periodically respond with speed, force and violence to those who would exterminate them.

It make me wonder about the resident mettle of Southrons today. Are we internally fortified enough to resist extinction? Every time I pass through Atlanta I marvel at how Yankee-fied the city is and many of its residents are. Houston (a city more closer to home) is almost as bad. Lately, I'm having a difficult time finding someone who speaks English without having that annoying "Midwest Accent". As far as Spanish goes, Mexican Spanish is difficult to locate anymore around Texas' Gulf Coast region these days. It's either the disgusting corruption of Spanglish or a strange gutteral-sounding Spanish from Central America.

My friend, Edmundo, is just as grossed-out as I am. Born and raised in Texas, Edmundo sounds like any other Texan when he speaks English. When we both speak Spanish, it's proper and literate Mexican Spanish. Mundo's grandfather used to tell him: "Save your Lone Star bottle caps, mi hijo, because when the true Texans arise and begin the re-distribution of land, beer and women (not necessarily in that order) you'll be able to show them what side you're on".

Deo Vindice

10 May 2011

The Crash of Texas' Sanctuary Cities

Y'all just gotta stand up for the Texas House of Representatives. As reported in a Copy Written article in the Texas Tribune, something good has actually happened in Austin (even though Barry the Pretender is there tonight "dragging the bucket" for re-election money). Assuming the Texas Senate will pass it (which they probably will), Governor Rick Perry will sign the Ban on Sanctuary Cities (Houston, Dallas and Austin) in the sovereign State of Texas.

The measure was passed on a 100 to 47 vote just before midnight.
The racist Mexican-American Caucus in the State Capitol are fit to be tied. Naturally, they are the ones screaming racism. Even the Lesbian mayor of Houston (an "undeclared" sanctuary-city-that-is-not-a-sanctuary-city), Anise Parker, is having a hissy fit. Her current rant is that the coming law will have a "chilling effect" upon witnesses to crimes and will prevent them from coming forward to offer testimony concerning crimes they may have witnessed.

Missy Mayor has obviously forgotten that it is against the law to enter the country without inspection and that re-entry after deportation is a felony. I wonder how many Tonks now living in Houston are felons. She may want them offering sworn testimony in a court of law ... I do not.

Deo Vindice

09 May 2011

Zetas and Cartels

Diverse elements of cyberspace have publicized that Mexican Marine Corps's capture of Martin Omaar Estrada Luna, the presumed the Zeta commander in Tamaulipas (the border state across from Texas). In at least one of Mexico's drug cartels, the Gulf Cartel, Zeta affiliation is openly acknowledged. Because the drug cartels exist to operate by wholesaling product in the United States, fear of the Zetas is moderate to high among border State residents on our side of The Line.

In Mexico, Zetas have been responsible for the high volume of murders/executions in the border states of Tamaulipas, Sonora and Baja California. The average Zeta is former Mexican military and trained by people who were trained at various military bases in the United States. He may be a threat to Mexican nationals but he is hardly a threat to most U. S. citizens. The reason is: we are the consumers of the product protected by him - the Zeta. The cartel jefes would be displeased if their soldiers began killing customers instead of the competition (real or imagined).

The Zetas , on occasion, make short trips into the United States but these trips are simply to guard the shipment of product through desolate regions of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The only people the Zetas encounter on those trips are Border Patrol Agents. The Border Patrol, thanks to administrative rules starting from Janet The Clueless and going all the way back to Jimmy Carter's Leonel Castillo have neither the equipment, training or permission to deal with the Zetas.

06 May 2011

Mexican Backup

Airborne was a member of the Old Patrol. Before he Entered On Duty (EOD'd) at Yuma, Airborne had been a city cop - a motor officer - somewhere in south Carolina; Charleston, I believe. Back in the Old Patrol, most of us had military backgrounds. Domngo had been in the Navy, Edmundo was in the Army and your author is a former Marine. Airborne came by his name naturally: he was crazy. He was crazy enough to jump out of an in-flight aircraft for no other reason than someone told him to do it.

One day, during a particularly boring day shift, Airborne was working alone in a small corner of the AO known as West San Luis. The territory encompassed no more than several hundred acres immediately West of the Port of Entry in San Luis, Arizona. Airborne's AO included a small city park (ironically named "Friendship Park") and a river bottom area wherein what was left of the Colorado River flowed into Mexico.

It was in that river bottom area of cotton fields and scrub brush that Airborne found that he was without help on our side of The Line.

Day shifts in that AO were worse than boring for the Agents as well as for the Tonks. Frequently, the Tonks would gain illegal entry for a couple hundred feet just to see if an Agent was watching. If he was, he would charge down from his roost at a place knows as "the bodega" to try to apprehend the Tonks.

For the Tonks as well as the Agents, this game of cat-and-mouse was great fun as each honed their skills for the time the game would be in earnest once nightfall arrived. There was a considerable amount of drugs entering through West San Luis during those years.

In the days of the Old Patrol, Journeyman Agents gained and maintained a good, working relationship with our Mexican cousins on their side of The Line (more of this dynamic in a separate article). We did this because neither side knew when they might be in need of the others' abilities.

Airborne had had a rough previous night and he had no patience for playing games with the Tonks who would laugh and jeer at him as he nearly caught them - five or six times. They scampered back through the fence to their side, cursed him and flipped him off. Airborne had enough. He called the supervisor back at our station and asked for the Mexican police to be notified of what was transpiring and where.

The Mexican cops appeared within several minutes amid demands from the loudspeakers on their vehicles, "Alto! Parate!". The group scattered and ran (screeming and yelling) half a block into the Mexican town opposite San Luis, Arizona. Then, silence ... silence ... "pop" ... "pop" - the unmistakable reports of handgun fire. There were no more screams. There were no more yells. After a few minutes, the Mexican cops appeared on their side of the fence, smiling.

"Gracias", Airborne said to them.

"De nada", replied the Mexican sergeant.

Airborne returned to the bodega.

05 May 2011

Oil & Gas Production

It seems as if this is a good start to bringing back some of the numerous oil field jobs lost (as well as ancillary jobs related to them - groceries, restaurants, motels, etc.) due to the bundling ineptitude of our Chief Destroyer, Barry Obama.

The story includes,

The US House of Representative approved a bill that would compel the US Department of the Interior to hold federal Outer Continental Shelf lease sales that it canceled following the 2010 Macondo well accident and crude oil spill. The measure passed by 266 to 149 votes on May 5 after several hours of debate.

HR 1230 would require DOI’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement to hold OCS sales in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and off Virginia’s coast, both of which were scheduled for 2011 before the Apr. 28, 2010, blowout and explosion that killed 11 workers and spilled 5 million bbl of oil into the gulf before the well was capped late last summer.

It's, really good to see the House of Representatives finally starting to do some representation on this matter but it may be too little too late. Assuming the clowns in the Senate pass it as well, what are the chances of Barry signing it?

Deo Vindice

04 May 2011

Chipotle's and Aztlan

Story here. It obviously pays to maintain a friendly relationship with Tonks

Denver-based Chipotle has won plaudits from Wall Street for its seemingly uncanny ability to hold down labor costs. That ability has been a major factor behind its six-fold increase in share price since late 2008. Chipotle shares fell 2.4 percent Tuesday to $260.40.
We'll never know how many jobs they take "that-U.S. citizens-won't-take" until they are all compelled to leave. But don't hold your breath. The ideological clones - Republican and Democrat - who claim to be our representatives haven't shown much interest in the proposition.

03 May 2011

Osama Dead?

Is he dead like Jimmy Hoffa or is he dead like Elvis?

Although I respect the members of Seal Team Six, belief in pronouncements by the Monster Leviathan is something I don't have.