A luta continua..... Agent Nowhere Man opened his mail yesterday and discovered something from the Internal Revenue Service. They said that the "White House" had inquired about my problem. They did not say who but my suspicion is that the Chief of Staff's cadre were the ones (we are both Marines and I imagine that still matters). The IRS said, basically, that their hands are tied by the law and they have to continue to do what they are doing until the Yankee Nation's Department of Labor tells them to stop. Nothing has changed here at the peasant level except that now I know that someone finally said something after I wrote to the Chief Executive's Chief of Staff. Deo Vindice, Agent Nowhere Man
Agent Nowhere Man hasn't posted in a very long time. He's not bummed-out because he's got no more stories to tell. He's got plenty. Some of his younger readers who are still actively serving Border Patrol Agents are fascinated by what went on in the "Old Patrol". He'll pass some more of that information on at a later date. Right now, however, Agent Nowhere Man is bummed-out. Years ago, Agent Nowhere Man was medically retired from the Patrol due to multiple gunshot wounds (thoracic and right arm). Maybe at a later date he shall disclose details. The bum-out, however, came later and in no way is it connected to the Patrol. It is, rather, concerned with agencies of the Federal government which oversee the post-traumatic care of Agents who are assaulted and do not die on the spot. Those agencies saw to it that Agent Nowhere Man's right arm was re-attached to his body (now it sort of ...kind of works in about a 50% semblance to the way it did before a .357 Magnum projectile vaporized a large portion of humeral bone matter). What remains of his right lung doesn't collapse as often as it did at first. During recovery, Agent Nowhere Man utilized the GI Bill to pay for re-training to enter a more sedate life style in a vocation that some have opined is about as far removed from the Border Patrol as Harvey Weinstein is from a girls' locker room. Agent Nowhere Man worked well in his new occupation. He gained a few accolades and even went on for a doctorate in his field (paid for by a scholarship). All was moving along pleasantly until the Feds decided that they had paid too much for Agent Nowhere Man's post-traumatic care. In the process of numerous appeals, the Feds disclosed that they had made a mistake; that the payments had been a clerical error. They, then, decided that they would not attempt to regain their "overpayment". A couple of years later someone changed their minds. By then, the dollar figure (including interest) totaled to something far and above what anyone would consider chump change. The Internal Revenue Service communicated with Agent Nowhere Man and announced that they would be garnishing his pay (as well as his Social Security) at 15% and sending the proceeds to the Federal agency that cares for wounded Border patrol Agents. Agent Nowhere Man wrote to the Chief Executive. He included copies of all the pertinent correspondence and 8X10 photos of the bullet holes. After all, the Chief Executive is one of the elected officials who is said to be strong on Border defense. A word or two from him to the appropriate Cabinet level Secretary and the matter would be history. No response. A second letter. No response. A third letter to his Chief of Staff. No response. No wonder Agent Nowhere Man is bummed-out. To those Agents who are currently serving, Agent Nowhere Man has a word of advice: win the lottery before you get wounded. Deo Vindice, Agent Nowhere Man