"Mexican crime groups have virtually taken over the pipeline system of Mexico's state oil monopoly, stealing growing amounts of fuel and gaining an important source of new revenue as they fight other gangs and Mexico's government, according to the oil company."I was wondering how long it would take until the cartels began to diversify from drugs and kidnapping-for-ransom. Petróleos Mexicanos (PMEX) is the nationalized oil company of Mexico. It is the third largest revenue source for the Mexican government. Alternating between first and second place is the annual dollar amount wired or mailed back home by illegal Mexican aliens living and working here in the Yankee Nation.
Many believe that it is the Zetas (being employed by the Gulf Cartel) who are tapping into the pipeline. Whether or not it is the Zetas is immaterial. The important consideration is: how much (if any) will this cause the price of Mexican Crude to increase? If the price does increase, will it be enough for Barry the Pretender's administration to begin to issue new drilling permits for domestic oil production?
El Presidente Calderon has a huge problem on his hands as well. If the Gulf Cartel is siphoning-off sales and tax revenue normally received by the Mexican government, will he finally declare war on the Cartels and use the military to attempt to stomp them out? Either way, look for more Mexicans pushing lawnmowers in your neighborhood or loitering in front to the nearest Home Depot.
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