Even with an Aggie for Governor, Texas seems to be doing something right. Maybe that's because, in Texas, our Governor's main power is in signing the legislation that is permitted to come to the floor by the Lieutenant Governor. In that way, Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst wields much more power in Austin than does Rick Perry.The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.
Be very careful if Governor Perry should he decide to enter the beauty contest for Chief Executive of the Yankee Nation. Here in Texas, Perry always talks a good game before election time and then goes back to his Liberal-appeasing ways after he had been re-elected. True, he does carry a laughably impotent .380 ACP when he's out and about. He even made headlines here last year after shooting a coyote with it while jogging.
As Governor, Perry's job is more ambassadorial than anything else. He has done a good job of enticing various manufacturers to relocate to Texas and has wheeled and dealed enough to cajole legislators into ensuring tax breaks for them. Hence, Will's graph shown above.
Before Perry's last re-election he went out to the Big Bend area of the State and toured the Border. He, then, proceeded to harangue the voters with tough talk about how he was going to stem the tide of Tonks ... since the feds weren't doing it. After the election, Perry sent 1,200 Texas National Guard personnel to various sections of the Border. The only problems are that (1) these Guardsmen are not actually on the Border (they're pretty far back); and (2) those of them who have weapons have not been issued any ammunition. Their job is little more than those flag worshippers who call themselves Minutemen: report what they see to the Border Patrol (who are, mostly, administratively precluded from doing anything about the reports they get).
Go ahead. Push Perry into running for Yankee President. But just remember what we say here: "Why did the Aggie cross the road? Because it was the chicken's day off.
Deo Vindice
1 comment:
Dutchy sez,
Sure appears to me, as an outsider looking in to Texas with some envy (enough to be sniffing around for land there), that the Empire needs Texas more'n the other way around. And you all will note that the District of Corruption is gaining net private sector jobs. Those are undoubtedly only spinoffs of ever-expanding numbers of Fudderal jobs.
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