12 January 2019

How To Finance Trump's Wall 

Old Patrol veterans recall what the job was like before the advent of administrative rules which heavily discouraged the Agent's use of the Border Patrol's statutory authority.  Among ourselves, we (most of us anyway) are reasonably sound of mind and we differ in our opinions if a wall would be necessary if modern day Agents would be allowed to use their statutory authority.

Whether it (The Wall) is necessary or not, it is a political reality.  The concept of it is a non-negotiable comfort for the middle and lower socio-enonomic strata of the Yankee Empire.  If only there was a wall, physical and social safety would once again return to the mean streets of the Empire.

The problem of the financing for a wall is who shall pay for it.  Hadrian had few problems in paying for his wall.  Forty Five has tap danced around his campaign promise that Mexico would cough-up the dinero.  That leaves the taxpayers of the Empire squarely on the hook .... one way or another.

As you are aware, Agent Nowhere Man's income (including his Social Security) is being garnished because the Department of Labor paid too much to fix his wounds from an execution attempt by an illegal alien.  ANW has communicated twice to Forty Five, once to a Senator and once to Forty Five's (now departed) Chief of Staff.  Forty Five has done nothing to assist ANW by suggesting to the Department of Labor that their garnishment is immoral and that they must stop it.

It is for this reason that ANW suggests that he, along with others who are in a similar situation are doing double duty in paying for The Wall.  We still pay our taxes and our Social Security is diminished.

I say again, if you are a federal law enforcement agent and are shot-up on the job, make a concerted effort to win the lottery.

Deo Vindice,
Agent Nowhere Man

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