28 September 2011

Dr. Barry's Snake Oil

The depths of the damage being done by Barry The Pretender and his misinformed notion of the commonweal is finally getting off the ground.

In 2011, there has been a 9% increase in the premiums for families' health care insurance.  In 2010, those premiums rose only 3%.  In real dollars, a family premium was a hefty $13,770 in 2010.  2011's price gouge is a whopping $15,073.

What has happened is that the insurers have increased their premium rates in anticipation of the profound negative influence Barry's Yankee Nation Health Care will affect them.  When that system becomes fully operational, any new premium increase greater than 10% will have to be "justified" to the Yankee Overseers.  That's why the health care insurers are jacking things up now.

While the Yankee Nation economy is tanking and the health care industry is adjusting in panic, Barry The Pretender is stumping across the Yankee Nation trying to convince the citizenry that his snake oil tastes really great.  Maybe he'll find a few gaggles of fools here and there who'll believe him.

Why some bold Yankee Nation Congressman has not brought charges against Barry for his high crime of abject incompetence is something I'm hard-pressed to understand.  His trial in the Senate would probably result in acquittal anyway.

Deo Vindice

27 September 2011

The Yankee Nation

Some of my readers have asked me why I insist on referring to the "Yankee Nation" instead of the United States.  It is a fair question.

The short answer, as many already know, is that the federal association of States - as we now exist - are no longer united in any meaningful sense.  There are far more instances of separation of purpose, values and political philosophy among us than existed under the Constitution when it was written.  There are even more differences between our present condition than the unity that existed under the Articles of Confederation.

But there is more.

From the outset, the States found differences among themselves.  Current Revisionist historians would like us to believe that the chief difference between the North and the Southern States was the "Peculiar Institution".  Certainly, there were Northern people who owned slaves as did Southrons.  The chief differences, however, were ones of pride versus humility.

Locked as they were into a seemingly self-perpetuating cycle of supposed intellectual superiority,  people of the North (especially the "scholarly class") supposed that very little enlightenment existed outside of  New England.  The system of higher education of the North, constructed by Puritans and Congregationalists, tended to rely upon the proofs of circular logic to legitimize their high opinions of their thoughts.  Later, this dynamic was also morphed into an East/West dichotomy.  (When your blogger graduated from a well-known school in Virginia and was headed to Arizona, the faculty was horrified.  "Agent Nowhere Man", they said, "you know, of course, that the synapses don't fire as well West of the Mississippi ... don't you?")

The pride among the Yankees is as brutal as it is demeaning to their supposed inferiors.  Because we enjoy life at a different pace, because we speak English more closely accented as it is in England, because our choices in food tend to be more basic and because our existence is more aligned with the soil than it is with political thought we are judged by Yankees to be less-than-equal to them.

When the Brig. Gen. Stand Waite, CSA - a Cheokee - heard of General lee's surrender on 9 April 1865, he was truly amazed.  Both Lee and Waite (worlds apart in social experience) were both men of the soil.  Finally, Gen. Waite surrendered at Doaksville, Indian Territory two months later.  Lee moved on from Richmond to the presidency of Washington College; Waite moved into financial disintegration.  Both men, however, remained with the soil.  It was what they knew and it was who they were.

In the same month that Gen. Waite surrendered, Gen. Joseph Shelby, Texas Gov. Pendelton Murrah and others went to Mexico in search of new soil.  They never found it.  My own ancestors returned to the Tidewater area of Virginia and into the hands of Carpetbaggers - probably wishing that they could have gone to Mexico to make a go of the Colonia Carlota.

"And for a Carpetbagger, I do not give a damn.
So it's forward to the frontier, soon as I can go.
I'll fix me up a weapon and start for Mexico."

The Carpetbagger was the second instance of Yankee Nation active aggression against the South.  The first (the War to Prevent Southern Independence) was characterized by active force of arms against us.  The Carpetbag Aggression was simply backed by the threat of force of arms.  Officially, Yankee Nation Carpetbagging ended in 1877; unofficially, it has been going on ever since then.

They have moved in among us.  We have sent our children to be educated in their universities.  Worst of all, we have hired many of them to teach in our universities to teach our future leaders and Statesmen.  Because this dynamic has been going on for more than three-quarters of a century, many Southrons have fallen prey to belief in large portions of the Yankee myth.  Insidiously, elements of that myth have crept into the belief system of many of our Southern "leaders".  The current Governor of North Carolina comes to mind.  The Yankee myth was bad enough when it simply stayed in the North.  Now, however, they're telling it to us on our own soil.

The myth that they tell themselves about us is that we are backwards, less educated and more "religious" than they are.  That, they believe, cements our status as being less-than-equal to them in all respects.  It is their belief and that belief is their religion.  The average Yankee worships his sad belief just as surely as we worship the Holy Trinity and they have spent decade after decade in their attempt to convince us of its veracity.

My contemporary, Old Rebel, has recently posted a link to Valerie Protopapas' open letter to a famous Yankee Nation protagonist, Bill O'Reilly.  O'Reilly is a True Believer in all myths of the Yankee Nation.  He is an ardent proponent of The Yankee Nation sending Yankee Nation troops on foreign military escapades.  In the company with other Yankee Nation apologists (Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, etc.), O'Reilly (and the others who have never served one day in the military) have no problem exposing young people to danger for all the wrong reasons.

O'Reilly, Limbaugh, et al, collectively and individually suffer from the deep delusion that Yankee Nation myths are solidly true.  Since they are such unquestioning True Believers, then they also believe all portions of the myth such as: Southrons are unalterably backwards and are in need of close supervision by our ethical and intellectual betters.  We cling, they believe, to a contorted understanding of the Constitution and must be protected from the potential fruits of our error.

We have grown weary of their protection and their arrogance; we yearn for freedom.

Deo Vindice

20 September 2011

FBI's Cover-Up. Barry's Response? > Silence

Agent Brian Terry
Our friends at Habledash have reported something new in Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death last December.

As some of my readers may be aware, primary investigative jurisdiction for crimes against the persons of all Yankee Nation law enforcement officers lies with those lovable clowns at the FBI.  With their public faces painted in a very serious expression, Attorney General Holder's minions did, indeed investigate the murder scene.

What they found (for public consumption) was that Agent Terry was killed by weaponry purchased through BATFE's "Fast and Furious" debacle.  Those were "straw man purchases" made by shills at gun shops on our side of The Line with the express intention of delivering them to drogistas in the Land of Manana.

Now, it has been discovered by CBS News (will wonders never cease!) that a third "Fast and Furious" weapon was also involved.  Its existence, however, was covered-up by Holder's boys and girls of the FBI.

One may only guess as why the cover-up had been made.  Maybe the reasons will be brought to light someday and maybe they won't be.  One thing is certain though: the responsibility for implementation of and cover-up of Agent Terry's death is now a multi-departmental affair within Barry The Pretender's Yankee Nation administration.

Will this affair bring them to their long-deserved justice?  We wait .......

Deo Vindice

16 September 2011

Barry The Pretender - In Texas?

What?  No shemagh?  If it's a hat, why isn't Barry wearing a white hat?
He's a very good pretender.  Pretender to the Yankee Throne, pretender to be the man-of-his-house, etc.  He's a good pretender.  Soon, he'll be pretending in Dallas.

Keep in mind that most large cities in Texas tend to be filled with those of a non-Constitutional bent.  Houston (our largest city) has a mayor who is both a Democrat and a very public lebian.  Dallas' mayor is equally liberal but without the overt sexual baggage.  Barry should be able to find a few folks there who won't mind shelling out large piles of jack just to get the chance to assure him that they love him.

Barry's other mission in Dallas (Slow Joe was there today ... he was just "dragging the bucket" and not making any public speeches) will be to tout his American Jobs Act.  Never mind that no Democrat has, yet, introduced it as proposed legislation.  Barry will put on another hat and, momentarily, try to convince people that he's something that he's not.  His act has worn very thin and even elements of the Black Congressional Caucus aren't buying it anymore.

Maybe, if we give him enough cookies, he'll just go away.

Deo Vindice

15 September 2011

Barry: An Individual With A Disorder

Barry The Pretender, President of the Yankee Nation is a troubled man.  Narcissistic Personality disorder isn't anything funny; it's probably something he has struggled with most of his life.  Certainly, I'm not the first to suggest that he suffers from it.  It's fairly obviously that he does.

Barry's search for love and attention, most likely, began with his abandonment by his father and by his mother who sloughed him off to her parents.  Growing to maturity was something that never happened for Barry.  He seems to be emotionally stuck at an age when most children learn and accept their identities and receive love and affection for maturing in it.

As adults, suffers, such as Barry, have an inflated sense of self-importance and an inflated preoccupation with themselves.  It's always about them.  Always.  They have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment and - especially for Barry - take advantage of other people in order to achieve their goals.

Who were the dupes?  Who were the people whose advantage was supplanted by The Pretender?  Generally, it was the 52% of the Electorate in the Yankee Nation who cast their votes for the clown.  It was those who were either too deluded or too enamored with skin color to discern the difference between the empty promises of a charlatan and those of a genuine statesman.  Specifically, the deluded were the vast number of Yankee Nation Blacks (96% - 97%) who voted to take four more years of voluntary servitude on the Democrat Plantation of the Yankee Nation.

Poor Barry.  Afflicted as he is, he has surrounded himself with fawning sycophants and with fellow sufferers from the same disorder who aspire to garner any crumbs of love which are the leftovers after Barry sweeps them from his table.  Each of them (and all of them as a group) are truly sad testimony to a nation whose grasp of its original social contract is failing.  Barry's silly charade as a leader was revealed after the abject failure of his First Great Stimulus Plan.  It collapsed altogether with his pathetic cry to raise the ceiling of the National Debt of the Yankee Nation.  (My own Congressman, Pete Olson, should resign in shame because of his vote for Barry's plea).

The emperor, flummoxed as he is, stands defiantly naked and has recently asked crowds to: "If you love me, pass this this bill!" (his further attempt to enforce his will through cheap manipulation).  He might as well have said: "If you love me, bake me a cookie".  That, after all, is what he really meant.

Deo Vindice

11 September 2011

Move Over, George Jones

Many across the South are aware that Texas is experiencing the worst drought in many years.  Because of the drought, our potential for wildfires is very high.  Numerous wildfires have been burning around the State for some time.  Many of them are in Bastrop County (about 30 miles South of Austin).

The Aggie pulled-off his campaign activities for a few days and was supposed to go to Bastrop today.  He never showed up.  When contacted, one of his aides remarked: "He's in Austin".

Could it be that Carney didn't actually tell The Aggie that he had to be in Bastrop.  It's as good of an excuse as any.  Beaumont's country singer, George Jones, is known in the business as "No-Show Jones".  Could The Aggie steal it from him?

Deo Vindice

04 September 2011

Know What Texans Know

"You can spend about five minutes on the governor’s official website confirming that Rick Perry is yet another big-government, corporate-welfare lover from the Republican side of the Republican/Democrat regime, whose policies are fundamentally no different from the Clinton/Bush/Obama policies of years past."
The above quote was not written by wild, Progressive liberal Democrats.  It appeared last week in the Wall Street Journal.

The question, "is The Aggie a big government RINO?",  is not really being asked within the Yankee Nation.  I know more than a few Tea Party people who are all ready to start giving slobbery kisses to the new "savior of the Cause".  "He shoots coyotes with his little .380ACP while jogging. doesn't he?'  "He talks tough about The Border, doesn't he?"  "He's from the South, isn't he?"  It seems to me as if many "Conservatives" are treating The Aggie in the same manner as Progressives treated Barry The Pretender.

The RINO question has, however, been asked and answered here in Texas.

Not long ago, The Aggie attempted a monumental land grab that was named the Trans Texas Corridor. It was a scheme to take a lot of private land by imminent domain and turn it into a super highway that would run from Mexico up to the Oklahoma border.  Texans fumed at the idea and The Aggie couldn't figure out the reason why.  After all, he had just been pushing the idea that his handlers had told him to push.

Is The Aggie even a little more desirable than Barry The Pretender when it comes to being the Chief Executive of the Yankee Nation?  Of course he is.  But you need to know what he is.  After all, The Aggie is only as Constitutionally-aligned as is his closest advisor.

Deo Vindice

02 September 2011

Meet The Aggie's Chief Advisor

David M. "Dave" Carney is the uber-strategist for The Aggie. He has been associated with him since '03 or '04.

Officially, Dave Carney operates Norway Hill Associates which is a political consulting firm that specializes in being first among equals.  He is the chief individual (suggested in the post immediately below this one) on The Aggie's staff who knows how to run things other than tractors and combines.

Carney is a equal opportunity brain-behind-the-scenes operator.  It seems as if back when it was Kerry vs. Bush 43, Carney worked to get Ralph Nader on the ballot in New Hampshire.  He achieved his goal and Kerry's people were "squealing like pigs".

It is certain that much of what comes out of The Aggie's mouth has been planted there by this individual.  The rest that comes out of The Aggie's mouth is just the simple, soulful goodness of our wonderful Texas Aggies.

Deo Vindice

01 September 2011

Would I Vote For Him?

Why are there no cold drinks in College Station, Texas?
The Aggies forgot the recipe for ice.

The few readers of this blog have probably been wondering: "If Agent Nowhere Man is continually exposing the downside of The Aggie (J. "Rick" Perry), does that mean he'd vote for Barry The Pretender?"

No, it doesn't.  Given the demonstrated results of Barry's tenure in the Yankee Nation's highest office, given Barry's ideological bent and given Barry's childish mean-spiritedness, I'd vote for an amoeba before I'd vote for Barry.

The Aggie is what he is - an Aggie (they've been the butt of Texans' jokes for over a century).  The Agricultural and Mechanical University of Texas does produce the world's best horse doctors, the world's best farmers and the world's best handymen.  If I wanted someone to build a house for me, I'd choose an Aggie over any of his competition.  When it comes down to me, I'm neutral.  I went to St. Mary's University in San Antonio (among the Roman Catholic colleges in Texas, there are numerous jokes about St. Mary's ... "it's the Harvard of Mexico", etc. etc.)

Aggie jokes were made possible by the snobbery of the graduates of the University of Texas at Austin (who have always fancied themselves as being intellectually superior to other mortals).  The jokes are fun and most Aggies I know laugh just as hard at them as anyone else.

The Aggie (here, I intend Perry) is a good and decent man who knows how to surround himself with people who know how to run things other than tractors and combines.  He's done a good job of doing that.  True, he used to be a Democrat - but at least he was smart enough to change sides after he figured out who the real loonies are.  I come from a long line of Southern Democrats.  My Daddy was a Democrat.  Why?  Because Lincoln was a Republican.

Yes, I'd vote for The Aggie to be the next Chief Executive of the Yankee Nation.  However - I'd rather vote for Texas' secession from the Yankee Nation.

How do you recognize an Aggie in a department store?
He's the one trying to slam the revolving door.

Deo Vindice