16 September 2011

Barry The Pretender - In Texas?

What?  No shemagh?  If it's a hat, why isn't Barry wearing a white hat?
He's a very good pretender.  Pretender to the Yankee Throne, pretender to be the man-of-his-house, etc.  He's a good pretender.  Soon, he'll be pretending in Dallas.

Keep in mind that most large cities in Texas tend to be filled with those of a non-Constitutional bent.  Houston (our largest city) has a mayor who is both a Democrat and a very public lebian.  Dallas' mayor is equally liberal but without the overt sexual baggage.  Barry should be able to find a few folks there who won't mind shelling out large piles of jack just to get the chance to assure him that they love him.

Barry's other mission in Dallas (Slow Joe was there today ... he was just "dragging the bucket" and not making any public speeches) will be to tout his American Jobs Act.  Never mind that no Democrat has, yet, introduced it as proposed legislation.  Barry will put on another hat and, momentarily, try to convince people that he's something that he's not.  His act has worn very thin and even elements of the Black Congressional Caucus aren't buying it anymore.

Maybe, if we give him enough cookies, he'll just go away.

Deo Vindice

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