15 September 2011

Barry: An Individual With A Disorder

Barry The Pretender, President of the Yankee Nation is a troubled man.  Narcissistic Personality disorder isn't anything funny; it's probably something he has struggled with most of his life.  Certainly, I'm not the first to suggest that he suffers from it.  It's fairly obviously that he does.

Barry's search for love and attention, most likely, began with his abandonment by his father and by his mother who sloughed him off to her parents.  Growing to maturity was something that never happened for Barry.  He seems to be emotionally stuck at an age when most children learn and accept their identities and receive love and affection for maturing in it.

As adults, suffers, such as Barry, have an inflated sense of self-importance and an inflated preoccupation with themselves.  It's always about them.  Always.  They have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment and - especially for Barry - take advantage of other people in order to achieve their goals.

Who were the dupes?  Who were the people whose advantage was supplanted by The Pretender?  Generally, it was the 52% of the Electorate in the Yankee Nation who cast their votes for the clown.  It was those who were either too deluded or too enamored with skin color to discern the difference between the empty promises of a charlatan and those of a genuine statesman.  Specifically, the deluded were the vast number of Yankee Nation Blacks (96% - 97%) who voted to take four more years of voluntary servitude on the Democrat Plantation of the Yankee Nation.

Poor Barry.  Afflicted as he is, he has surrounded himself with fawning sycophants and with fellow sufferers from the same disorder who aspire to garner any crumbs of love which are the leftovers after Barry sweeps them from his table.  Each of them (and all of them as a group) are truly sad testimony to a nation whose grasp of its original social contract is failing.  Barry's silly charade as a leader was revealed after the abject failure of his First Great Stimulus Plan.  It collapsed altogether with his pathetic cry to raise the ceiling of the National Debt of the Yankee Nation.  (My own Congressman, Pete Olson, should resign in shame because of his vote for Barry's plea).

The emperor, flummoxed as he is, stands defiantly naked and has recently asked crowds to: "If you love me, pass this this bill!" (his further attempt to enforce his will through cheap manipulation).  He might as well have said: "If you love me, bake me a cookie".  That, after all, is what he really meant.

Deo Vindice

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