02 September 2011

Meet The Aggie's Chief Advisor

David M. "Dave" Carney is the uber-strategist for The Aggie. He has been associated with him since '03 or '04.

Officially, Dave Carney operates Norway Hill Associates which is a political consulting firm that specializes in being first among equals.  He is the chief individual (suggested in the post immediately below this one) on The Aggie's staff who knows how to run things other than tractors and combines.

Carney is a equal opportunity brain-behind-the-scenes operator.  It seems as if back when it was Kerry vs. Bush 43, Carney worked to get Ralph Nader on the ballot in New Hampshire.  He achieved his goal and Kerry's people were "squealing like pigs".

It is certain that much of what comes out of The Aggie's mouth has been planted there by this individual.  The rest that comes out of The Aggie's mouth is just the simple, soulful goodness of our wonderful Texas Aggies.

Deo Vindice

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