01 September 2011

Would I Vote For Him?

Why are there no cold drinks in College Station, Texas?
The Aggies forgot the recipe for ice.

The few readers of this blog have probably been wondering: "If Agent Nowhere Man is continually exposing the downside of The Aggie (J. "Rick" Perry), does that mean he'd vote for Barry The Pretender?"

No, it doesn't.  Given the demonstrated results of Barry's tenure in the Yankee Nation's highest office, given Barry's ideological bent and given Barry's childish mean-spiritedness, I'd vote for an amoeba before I'd vote for Barry.

The Aggie is what he is - an Aggie (they've been the butt of Texans' jokes for over a century).  The Agricultural and Mechanical University of Texas does produce the world's best horse doctors, the world's best farmers and the world's best handymen.  If I wanted someone to build a house for me, I'd choose an Aggie over any of his competition.  When it comes down to me, I'm neutral.  I went to St. Mary's University in San Antonio (among the Roman Catholic colleges in Texas, there are numerous jokes about St. Mary's ... "it's the Harvard of Mexico", etc. etc.)

Aggie jokes were made possible by the snobbery of the graduates of the University of Texas at Austin (who have always fancied themselves as being intellectually superior to other mortals).  The jokes are fun and most Aggies I know laugh just as hard at them as anyone else.

The Aggie (here, I intend Perry) is a good and decent man who knows how to surround himself with people who know how to run things other than tractors and combines.  He's done a good job of doing that.  True, he used to be a Democrat - but at least he was smart enough to change sides after he figured out who the real loonies are.  I come from a long line of Southern Democrats.  My Daddy was a Democrat.  Why?  Because Lincoln was a Republican.

Yes, I'd vote for The Aggie to be the next Chief Executive of the Yankee Nation.  However - I'd rather vote for Texas' secession from the Yankee Nation.

How do you recognize an Aggie in a department store?
He's the one trying to slam the revolving door.

Deo Vindice

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