27 August 2011

Them Low Down Pipeline Blues

Barry The Pretender's stellar cast of synchophants has done it again.  The first assault upon Southern economy was the illegal moratorium on exploration and drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.  Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi drilling industries have suffered greatly because of it.

Now, Barry's State Department has given the o.k. for a 1,711 mile pipeline that would carry oil drilled in Canada to refineries in the Houston area.  The Keystone XL pipeline would open in 2013 (well after Barry is ejected from his position as Pretender to the Yankee Throne).

Canadians, no doubt, are elated over the prospect of having a new market for their oil.  The effrontery was continued by the State Department by suggesting that this move will produce many new jobs (in Canada) and reduce Yankee Nation dependency upon Middle Eastern oil.

If creating Canadian jobs were really a high priority, Barry could just have well sent them enough foreign aid to build a couple of new Labatt's breweries.  If reducing dependence upon Middle eastern oil were a real concern for him, Barry could just go ahead and lift the Moratorium.

All of last week, people protesting this rank insult to Texas and to the Gulf Coast South have been demonstrating in front of the White House.  So far, 376 of them have been arrested.

All right.  I get it.  Barry doesn't like Texas and he doesn't understand Texans.  But what he is doing is also going to affect two other southern States.  Maybe Bobby Jindal and Haley Barbour are now on his "list" of the governors of States that he'd rather see economically destroyed.

Deo Vindice

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