26 August 2011

How Kinky Can One Become?

"These days, of course, I would support Charlie Sheen over Obama.  Obama has done for the economy what pantyhose have done for foreplay". - Kinky Friedman
Those are Kinky's own words.  For those of you who don't know who he is, Kinky ran for Governor against Rick Perry in '06.  He lost monumentally (4% of the vote).  Before his political involvement, Kinky has been known in Texas as an author and the front man for the band: Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys.

The article (clickable above) has Kinky coming-out for The Aggie as the Republican nominee.  We Texans know that the Kinkster is a Democrat - kind of after the fashion of Harry Truman.  For him to endorse The Aggie has required the swallowing of quite a bit of crow.

Friedman's chief support in Texas came from the rural areas (everyone liked his "Five Mexican Generals" plan).  It appears as if Barry The Pretender is so ... so other that even Democrats such as Kinky are bailing.  The American South has quite a few like Friedman (I am presenting him because he's the one I know).  Watch for more of the same from various Southrons who will be backing The Aggie to be the next President of The Yankee Nation.  But remember: The Aggie is a Democrat in RINO clothing.

Deo Vindice

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