15 August 2011

I Was Wrong!

Q: How can you tell an Aggie is on location at a drilling rig?
A: He's the one throwing bread to the helicopters.

I was wrong.

In earlier posts, it was my counsel to please let us keep The Aggie here in Texas.  It was for purely selfish reasons.  You see, should The Aggie be elected POTYN (that's "Yankee Nation" for the uninitiated), my fear was that the more-Liberal-than-Perry Lieutenant Governor would ascend to the throne in Austin.  It now appears that our Lt. Governor wants to be the newest Yankee Nation Senator from Texas (when Kay Bailey Hutchison retires).

Dang!  (it's a Texanism; please git over it)  A University of Texas poll showed him to be in the lead of others who want her job.  Dang!  Dang!  His opponents are a professional politician, a talk show host and a Tea Party guy.  This probably means that y'all will be getting another Liberal Republican as a Yankee Nation Senator.  But where does that leave us?

Should The Aggie be nominated and loose, no sweat.  We'll keep him here as our Governor so y'all won't be able to curse us for sending you another George W. Bush.  Like Bush, Perry spent time in the Air Force.  Neither one has had any combat experience and, therefore, no personal aversion to sending citizens of the Yankee Nation to fight in silly, useless wars.  Believe me, if Perry's intellectual betters (any of his advisers) told him that a troop commitment was necessary, the 2nd Marine Division would be mounting-out at New Bern the very next day.

Then there's the whole illegal alien consideration.  James Fulford over at V Dare has explained it fairly well.  You get The Aggie as POTYN and you'll get a whole new load of Tonks.  It isn't so much as The Aggie would actually recruit them (as would a Progressive) or look the other way as did W.  On the contrary, The Aggie's history here in Texas with Tonks is that he says what his handlers tell him to say, but he is clueless as to how to place his words into any sort of productive action.

There is another selfish reason that I didn't want y'all to take Perry as the next POTYN: we Texans have had enough fun poked at us during W's tenure to last a long, long time.  We're tired of being portrayed as stupid, bumbling people who end sentences with prepositions.  If we gave you an Aggie to be POTYN, that's exactly what you'd get.  The whacked-out Progressives as well as the blue blood Republicans would make life miserable for us; at least until we called it quits with this "United" thing.

But ... maybe there's a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  Barry The Pretender was the first Half-Black POTYN; maybe there is a season for the first Aggie POTYN.

Q: How did the Aggie break his leg while raking leaves?
A; He fell out of the tree.

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