03 August 2011

The Hogan's Goat Paradigm

Hogan's Goat was so irredeemably screwed-up that it was not understandable how a creature that far-gone could continue living.  That, I imagine, is the genteel way of describing the phrase I first heard (as a Candidate) uttered by a Sergeant Instructor in the Marine Corps Officer's Candidate School.

As a life form, Hogan's Goat breathed and even walked like other goats did.  He tried hard to do "goat things", but he was never successful at it.  It wasn't really his fault that he wasn't a good goat because something had happened to him that had made him substandard among his species.

The metaphorical buggery accomplished upon Hogan's Goat has, in the real world,  gradually penetrated the Yankee Nation.  Reasonable minds may differ upon the exact date that such constitutional rape began, but what they can agree upon is that it has happened.  The Yankee Nation has become a caricature of itself.  It has, as Leviathan, become so bloated with rolls of useless fat (which fold in upon each other) that it can barely move toward its true North which is the Constitution.

Tea Party people become mightily frustrated that their Republicans have not managed to persuade the regular Republicans to defy Barry The Pretender's insidious plans.  This is because the Yankee Nation can no longer bring itself to move in a necessary direction.  It has forgotten how.  Instead, as does a slug, it moves along a path of least resistance.  There are too few people (Yankee Nation-wide) to make it happen any other way.  That is why Hogan's Goat has left the barnyard and taken on a new definition of itself: a political one.

The nation that has become unable to do even the most simple things necessary to ensure it's survival has taken on what your correspondent terms the "Hogan's Goat Paradigm".  Such has been the fate of the United States.  As we all know, when the paradigm shifts, all rules revert to zero.  That is why secession is a serious consideration at this point.

Deo Vindice

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