17 August 2011

Bersin: Barry's Stooge

Alan Bersin, born and raised in New York and Harvard-educated was appointed as Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection by Barry The Pretender.

Experience?  He speaks Spanish and worked under Butch Reno during the Clinton era.  This week, Bersin decided to fight back against any and all critics of Barry's success (or lack of it) in managing the rising influx of Tonks.  He declared that "the Border is more secure than ever".  Really?

According to a recent article in the Tucson Citizen, any statistics Bersin may be using to support his case are bogus when compared with reality.  If crime is down in Nogales it simply means that the smugglers have set-up their operations on federally-owned land such as the Coronado National Forest.  If crime is down in Del Rio, there are more drop houses and safe houses in Houston and San Antonio.

If I was still wearing a green uniform, I'd be seriously considering resigning from the Border Patrol and hiring-on with a reputable outfit such as the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Deo Vindice

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