01 August 2011

The "Deal" of 7/31/11

Why is anyone smiling about Barry's announcement last night?  The Republicans have sold their birthright down the river.  It'll be interesting to see how many of the "new" Republicans in the House have knuckled-under and will vote for this mess.

For the short term, Barry & Company seem to profit greatly.

No real cuts whatsoever. Baseline budgeting still in place, the 2013 budget will be bigger than 2012, the 2014 bigger than 2013, etc. Even adjusted for inflation, the Yankee Government will continue to grow at a rapid pace.
The "cuts", fraudulent though they are, aren't even real anyway - and not binding either. A 2013 timeline for actual changes means nothing, since the next Congress is not bound by what this one does, regardless of promises of "commissions" and "triggers".

Deo Vindice

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