28 September 2011

Dr. Barry's Snake Oil

The depths of the damage being done by Barry The Pretender and his misinformed notion of the commonweal is finally getting off the ground.

In 2011, there has been a 9% increase in the premiums for families' health care insurance.  In 2010, those premiums rose only 3%.  In real dollars, a family premium was a hefty $13,770 in 2010.  2011's price gouge is a whopping $15,073.

What has happened is that the insurers have increased their premium rates in anticipation of the profound negative influence Barry's Yankee Nation Health Care will affect them.  When that system becomes fully operational, any new premium increase greater than 10% will have to be "justified" to the Yankee Overseers.  That's why the health care insurers are jacking things up now.

While the Yankee Nation economy is tanking and the health care industry is adjusting in panic, Barry The Pretender is stumping across the Yankee Nation trying to convince the citizenry that his snake oil tastes really great.  Maybe he'll find a few gaggles of fools here and there who'll believe him.

Why some bold Yankee Nation Congressman has not brought charges against Barry for his high crime of abject incompetence is something I'm hard-pressed to understand.  His trial in the Senate would probably result in acquittal anyway.

Deo Vindice

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