20 September 2011

FBI's Cover-Up. Barry's Response? > Silence

Agent Brian Terry
Our friends at Habledash have reported something new in Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death last December.

As some of my readers may be aware, primary investigative jurisdiction for crimes against the persons of all Yankee Nation law enforcement officers lies with those lovable clowns at the FBI.  With their public faces painted in a very serious expression, Attorney General Holder's minions did, indeed investigate the murder scene.

What they found (for public consumption) was that Agent Terry was killed by weaponry purchased through BATFE's "Fast and Furious" debacle.  Those were "straw man purchases" made by shills at gun shops on our side of The Line with the express intention of delivering them to drogistas in the Land of Manana.

Now, it has been discovered by CBS News (will wonders never cease!) that a third "Fast and Furious" weapon was also involved.  Its existence, however, was covered-up by Holder's boys and girls of the FBI.

One may only guess as why the cover-up had been made.  Maybe the reasons will be brought to light someday and maybe they won't be.  One thing is certain though: the responsibility for implementation of and cover-up of Agent Terry's death is now a multi-departmental affair within Barry The Pretender's Yankee Nation administration.

Will this affair bring them to their long-deserved justice?  We wait .......

Deo Vindice

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