11 September 2011

Move Over, George Jones

Many across the South are aware that Texas is experiencing the worst drought in many years.  Because of the drought, our potential for wildfires is very high.  Numerous wildfires have been burning around the State for some time.  Many of them are in Bastrop County (about 30 miles South of Austin).

The Aggie pulled-off his campaign activities for a few days and was supposed to go to Bastrop today.  He never showed up.  When contacted, one of his aides remarked: "He's in Austin".

Could it be that Carney didn't actually tell The Aggie that he had to be in Bastrop.  It's as good of an excuse as any.  Beaumont's country singer, George Jones, is known in the business as "No-Show Jones".  Could The Aggie steal it from him?

Deo Vindice

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