27 April 2011

30-Yr Treasurys Fall As Inflation Concerns Follow Bernanke, Fed - WSJ.com

30-Yr Treasurys Fall As Inflation Concerns Follow Bernanke, Fed - WSJ.com:
"In his first-ever, post-policy meeting briefing, Chairman Ben Bernanke largely repeated the earlier Fed policy statement, saying the economic recovery still needs some stimulus."

There is something fundamentally skewed with Bernanke's comprehension as to the "hows" of economic recovery. The only "stimulus" possible, in his thinking, is to spit (spend) more make believe dollars into the whirlwind.

Texas (after the initial shock and necessary adjustments) would probably be better off separating itself from the crazies and going it alone (or with other like-minded States). Barring that, the last thing the United States needs to be doing is going deeper into debt in a feeble attempt to recover from debt. If I were to do run my personal finances in such a manner, I'd have been bankrupt long ago.

Deo Vindice

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