10 November 2011

Big Mac Attack

You thought that they'd gone away and died, didn't you?  Hardly.

Freddie Mac has just asked the Yankee Nation functionaries for a further "loan" of  $6 billion.  This money is in addition to all the money given to The Mac previously and to the millions of Yankee dollars that have recently been paid in bonuses to F.M.'s top executives.

The story in Habledash relates the sordid details of Barry The Pretender's out-of-control Yankee Nation administration being more than ready to distribute your money into a black hole without so much as asking your permission to do so.

A year from now, you can pretend that you're getting rid of big government Democrats by voting for, what is right now, any one of the numerous gaggle big government Republicans who want to serve the Federals.  In the end, there can be only one who'll be nominated; it probably won't be the one who needs to be.

Deo Vindice

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