27 November 2011

Georgia In The Vanguard

U. S. Crane in Waco, Georgia has declared that their new company policy is that there will be now new hiring taking place until Barry The Pretender is sent away from the Yankee nation's capitol city.

The article (clickable above) includes an editorialized rant concerning Bill Looman, the company's president.  They believe that Looman is a certified member of the lunatic fringe.  For all I can tell, the man is a patriot of the highest order.

Soetoro's economic policies have place small businesses in an impossible position when it comes to even the most rudimentary functions of both maintaining production and expanding their market base.  The comments at the end of the referenced article tell the woeful tale of those who have imbibed Barry's Kool-Aid.

Deo Vindice

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