25 May 2011

ACLU of Indiana Has A New Logo

ACLU of Indiana

Those poor folks of the Indiana's branch of the American Civil Liberties Union are most certainly confused.  They have introduced a federal lawsuit to attempt to block a new State law from coming into effect.  The law would permit State and local police to either detain or arrest a person who has been notified that an action has been taken against them pursuant to immigration law.  Story here 

Their point of departure from sanity is illustrated by one Mr. Falk:
"For these three plaintiffs and many others in similar situations, this law would allow their arrests simply because paperwork — perhaps even paperwork supporting their routes to citizenship — had been issued by an agency sometime in their lives, even if they have committed no crime," ACLU of Indiana legal director Ken Falk said in a statement.
 The "route to citizenship" is the new euphemism for "a way to allow a criminal alien to become a U.S. citizen".  Such a person is a criminal because he or she violated existing law to arrive here in the first place.  It is called Entry Without Inspection, or "EWI" (8 United States Code, Sec. 1325).  Under current law, EWI's have no recourse to adjust their status from illegal to legal.  Because the EWI has violated the law, the Tonk is per se "excludible".  "Excludible" means that the person will be excluded from all others standing in line awaiting lawful entry.  For them, there is no "route to citizenship".

Mr. Falk (and others of similar persuasion) need to be asked whether or not they have a social and cultural death wish.  Thee is a finite limit as to how many people who have no desire to be assimilated the several States can absorb.  The Mexicans' cry for the "reconquista" of what they call Aztlan is not simply the grito of a few crazies; for many, it is the burning desire of their lives.

Mr. Falk's confusion probably has its basis in either a deeply seated self-loathing and a wish to have others reduce the comforts of life which his trade as a lawyer has provided for him or it is based upon fashionable notions of "diversity".  Those Tonks who mightily resist assimilation want to take away both Falk's comfort and any diversity that he may worship.  Should he have any doubt about that fact, I would be glad to introduce him to some not-so-nice people on both sides of The Line who will assure him that he is, in fact, nothing but a useful idiot.

Deo Vindice