05 May 2011

Oil & Gas Production

It seems as if this is a good start to bringing back some of the numerous oil field jobs lost (as well as ancillary jobs related to them - groceries, restaurants, motels, etc.) due to the bundling ineptitude of our Chief Destroyer, Barry Obama.

The story includes,

The US House of Representative approved a bill that would compel the US Department of the Interior to hold federal Outer Continental Shelf lease sales that it canceled following the 2010 Macondo well accident and crude oil spill. The measure passed by 266 to 149 votes on May 5 after several hours of debate.

HR 1230 would require DOI’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement to hold OCS sales in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and off Virginia’s coast, both of which were scheduled for 2011 before the Apr. 28, 2010, blowout and explosion that killed 11 workers and spilled 5 million bbl of oil into the gulf before the well was capped late last summer.

It's, really good to see the House of Representatives finally starting to do some representation on this matter but it may be too little too late. Assuming the clowns in the Senate pass it as well, what are the chances of Barry signing it?

Deo Vindice

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