31 May 2011

Death's Face In Houston

This individual is not a Tonk.  He is a surly individual who could not survive in his own Third World country so he had to come to ours in the attempt to degrade our own gene pool.  His country of origin is known: Mexico.  Johoan Rodriguez, 26 murdered  Houston Police Officer over the weekend.  Mr. Rodrigues' blood alcohol level was .238 - almost three times the legal limit.  You may read the details of the story here, but there's more to it than just what's in the newspaper.

ICE has reported to HPD that Mr. Rodriguez has been deported (not "voluntarily returned") twice: once in 2005 and once in 2006.  He has also made an oral false claim to U.S. citizenship and a documented false claim to U.S. citizenship (both are prosecutable offenses).

Re-entry after deportation is a violation of  8 USC Sec. 1326 and is a felony.  Why was Rodriguez not prosecuted under that statute after his 2005 deportation.  Why was he simply deported again in 2006?  Michael Chertoff, George W. Bush's Secretary of Homeland Security played a hand in declining prosecution of this dangerous thug.  He (and his vile master) were busy prosecuting two Border Patrol Agents - Ramos and Compean - for what they maintained was illegal use of force against a repeat drug trafficker.  Anyone who believes that George W. Bush, as the Yankee President, was not a friend of Tonks has to be a deeply deluded individual.  

So, let's see what Bush and Chertoff have to their credit as far as Mr. Rodriguez is concerned:
  • Failure to prosecute a re-entry after doportation
  • Failure to prosecute an oral false claim to U. S. citizenship
  • Failure to prosecute a documented false claim to U.S. citizenship
I wonder how this will make Officer Will's widow and children feel as time goes on.  Mrs. Will is scheduled to give birth to another child in two months.  Barry the Pretender and Janet the Clueless (his own Secretary of Homeland Security) have assured the Will family - and us as well - that the U.S./Mexico border is as safe as it's ever been.  In a way, that's true ... it has never been safe.  But it is small consolation to fatherless children and a husband-less wife to be consoled with the hollow words of either a ruling Republican or a ruling Democrat.  There is only one difference between any of the members of the power elite: style.  In content, they facilitate the same result: misery.  Leviathan has no soul.

I wonder, to which part of the nine circles of hell Dante Alighieri would have consigned these lying pecksniffs had he written Ill Inferno yesterday?

Deo Vindice

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