01 June 2011

Free At Last ..... Free At Last ...!

Zadvyas v. Davis may not be a hot topic of conversation around the water cooler, but it does have some import for what happens to illegal aliens after they have served time (in the United States) for murder.  In short, what this piece of case law allows is: no matter what crime a foreigner commits, the government may not detain him indefinitely while he awaits deportation for his offense. The immigration authorities, the court ruled, may not hold a foreigner more than six months before deporting him. After that, he must be released. In other words, if his home country won’t take him, tough luck for the crime victims. The criminal must be freed to protect his “constitutional right” to walk the streets and commit more crimes.

Between 2001 and 2004, ICE reported that, it released 27,947 criminal aliens, adding that 20,967 (75 percent) of these criminal aliens originated from countries where the notorious Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang members are known to be active. MS-13 is the brutally violent gang from El Salvador. Between 2001 and 2005, ICE released 45,008 illegals from countries somehow involved with terrorism either by sponsoring terrorism or supporting the terrorists.

All of the above happened on the watch of Republican darling George W. Bush - along with Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff - his Secretaries of Homeland Security.  Barry the Pretender and Janet the Clueless are going to have similar numbers.  Just don't expect to see them before November of 2012.

Deo Vindice

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