09 June 2011

Head Wounds Bleed A Lot

Airborne and Anglico were working the Railroad Yards one 1600 to 2400 shift.  It was hot in Yuma and it was the middle of July.  The Tonks, after they entered without inspection, tried to make their way to the Railroad Yards and hole-up in a Westbound freight train.  The job of the Border Patrol Agent was to enter the Yards and eject them from the railroad cars before Southern Pacific pulled out and headed for Indio and Los Angeles.

About 2000, Airborne boarded a moving boxcar wherein he found several Tonks making their journey toward the Promised Land.  Airborne was busy throwing them off of the moving train and Anglico was collecting them.  That's when Airborne was blindsided by one of the Tonks and thrown off the train, himself.

Anglico was close by and witnessed Airborne's fix.  Fortunately, the train was still  moving slowly so Anglico hauled himself into the boxcar and ejected Airborne's assailant.

Now, at that time in his life, Airborne was a rowdy sort.  His comprehension of frontier justice was rather complete in its application..  When he and Anglico had collected all the Tonks they had thrown-off the train, Airborne buttonholed his assailant for "special attention".  To say that Airborne "wailed" on the guy would be to put it mildly.  The Tonk understood.  After all, that was how he would have expected to have been treated by the Federal Police in Mexico.  In fact, the Tonk had so many bruises on his face and head that Airborne and Anglico decided to simply take him to a hole in the fence and send him back to Mexico with a stern warning never to come back.

Fast forward to the next night.  Airborne and Clutch were working together in an area of California known as Andrade.  The game that evening was to sit on top of a hill until a seismic sensor was activated and then race the Tonks to a choke point in their line of travel.  The choke point was known as "the spillway".  It was surrounded by sand, greasewood bushes and Russian Flax.

At about 2100 the sensors went off.  Clutch and Airborne raced to the spillway and the Tonks scattered; each of them finding a tree or bush under which to try to hide from the Migra.  Clutch has pulled several out from their hidey holes while airborne was struggling to extract his first from under a tree.  Airborne was a strong man and he pulled and pulled on his Tonk's ankles but was unsuccessful in getting him free.

Finally, Clutch walked around to the front of the Tonk and shined a light on him.  "His head's stuck, Airborne!  Stop pulling!"

Airborne stopped pullung and found that the Tonk's head was, indeed, stuck in an inverted "Y" of branches.  Then he saw why.  It was the bandages on the Tonk's head that had allowed him to become stuck.  It was the Tonk from the previous night; the one pushed back through the fence by Airborne and Anglico.

If the Tonk recognized Airborne, he didn't reveal it.  He simply said, "Pues, Oficial, usted me pesco... era mi propia culpa".

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