26 October 2011

The Aggie Is (now) Politically Correct!

The Texas Tribune told it all.  Today, The Aggie (Texas Governor, J. Rick Perry) has proven to the Yankees that he is not the bumpkin they suspect him to be.  Barry Soetoro, Rick believes, is a natural-born citizen of the Yankee Nation.  I guess that Moslem-Yellow curtain behind Barry at his press conferences must mean that he was born in Hawaii ... right?

It looks as if The Aggie wants that job in the Yankee Nation capitol city very badly.

I guess this means that it's time, again, for another Texas commentary on Aggies in general (and maybe Rick in particular)

Q: Why does an Aggie keep a coat hanger in the backseat of his car?
A: In case he lock his keys in the car.

Deo Vindice

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