24 October 2011

Po' Folks? The Yankee Nation's Got 'Em All

Yankee Nation Senator Jeff Sessions (R), Alabama is fit to be tied.  It appears as if,by the end of this year (2011), the Yankee Nation will have spent around $80 billion Yankee Dollars on the food stamp program.

As reported in the Daily Caller -

The Alabama senator introduced an amendment to three spending bills on the Senate floor last week to end the categorical eligibility requirement. It was voted down, 41 to 58.
Seven Republicans voted against his proposal, including Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran, Indiana Sen. Dan Coats, Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the amendment would have saved the government $10 billion over the next ten years without changing the SNAP program’s current eligibility requirements.
Just to place some perspective on how much $80 billion dollars is (at least in Yankee Nation terms) it costs

  • $24 billion and change to operate the entire Yankee Nation Justice Department - including the Bureau of Prisons and the FBI.
  • Around $30 billion a year to operate the Federal's Highway Administration.
  • $4 billion Yankee Nation dollars to fund the Border Patrol.
  • $10.6 billion a year to run their Internal Revenue Service
Are we to believe that there are that many poor people inhabiting the Yankee Nation?  They must be more numerous that housefiles in Mexico.  Think of all the money the Yankee Nation could save if even half of the food stamp recipients were discovered to be frauds and summarily removed from the system.

$80 billion is a lot of jack, but ... hey, it's all fiat anyway; isn't it?

Deo Vindice

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