07 October 2011

Yankee Apologist

The showman P.T. Barnum is said to have advised us that, "There's a sucker born every minute".  W. C. Fields, the actor, refined the message with the mandate, "Never give a sucker an even break".   Both men offered sage advice for anyone who would seek to profit from the 'easy marks' among us.

Barry The Pretender is one of the current crop of showmen who have taken these Yankees' advice to heart.  There is, however, another.  This one happens to prey upon the frustrations of Yankee Nation citizens who long for an elusive something out of the past.  This something is a state of being which the suckers can't quantify, but they feel in their guts that it, somehow, used to be present in the ethos of the New World.

Just as Barry Soetoro (The Pretender) has pandered to the secret desires of the Left, there is another dude who has done so with the Right.  Barry The Pretender has done it by peddling the sorry philosophy of one Saul Alinsky.  Barry's antithetical twin, Glenn Beck, has done it with the Right.

Beck is the Yankee Nation apologist that caters to the high school dropout.  A thorough jingoist, Beck has his believers believing that he has done massive amounts of "research" into the history of the Yankee Nation.  He has foisted his Classics Illustrated version of Yankee Nation history on those of his listeners who probably lack the opportunity (or the knowledge) of how to check the facts that he presents as gospel.  A year ago in August, he held a massive rally at the feet of the statue of A. Lincoln in the Yankee's capitol city.  The implication was that, not only did Father Abraham bless the goings-on, but that he would approve of them as well.

Would have Lincoln approved?  Most assuredly, yes.

Beck offers a phony shred of hope to those who believe that all hope has been eclipsed by Barry and by many who have gone before him.  His unique ability to convince the masses that it will all turn-out well in the end is currently rivaled only by Barry's ability to convince his followers of the same.  The fact that Beck frequently extols the supposed virtues of someone such as Lincoln (who removed Habeas Corpus rights for his enemies) is all that any thoughtful person needs to know about him. 

Now, Beck claims to have moved to Texas.  It's a great attempt at trying to authenticate himself and he might blend-in with all the other Yankee ass clowns in Dallas and Houston, but we have all the carpetbaggers we can handle right now.  We don't need anymore.

Deo Vindice


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