11 December 2011

Barry's Sinking Ship

Posted on the VOA website is the story that in a television broadcast broadcast (today), Barry Soetoro 
"said the structural problems in the economy have been building for two decades and that repairing them would take more than one term in office and "probably take more than one president"

Barry The Pretender is half-right on this one.  It will take a long time for the Yankee Nation to repair the damage done to their economy for which Soetoro has consistently blamed his predecessors.  The damage done to the economy by Slick and by Bush 43 is undeniable, but Barry's fiscal carnage has made both of them look like Greek gods of statesmanship in comparison.

Barry continues to blame the newly-recalcitrant members of the Yankee Nation Congress who are valiantly attempting to prevent him from wreaking even more Progressive havoc upon the hapless and mostly willfully ignorant citizenry.

In his speech, Soetoro likened himself to a ship's captain whose vessel is going through a violent storm.  If that is true (which it is), the storm is one of his own creation.  November of 2012 seems a very long time to wait for a mutiny.

Deo Vindice 

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