04 December 2011

Yankee Nation Exceptionalism

It appears as if Barry Soetoro has been shamed into stating a belief in something his actions and previous statement indicate that he doesn't really believe.  The belief?  That the Yankee Nation is  endowed with what Republicans refer to as "American Exceptionalism".

From a rag in Atlanta

"We don't just think about what's good for us, but we're also thinking about what's good for the world.  That's what makes us special.  That's what makes us exceptional".
I'll bet that that's not exactly the definition of
"exceptionalism" you learned when you took your history course in school.  That's allright.  Barry can alter any definition to fit his own warped sense of purpose.

It's bad enough that most of the Republican candidates for the Yankee Nation President's office believe in the standard definition of "American Exceptionalism": that it is the Yankee Nation's duty to export their corrupted notions of what the Founders envisioned and put into place.  Now, we see the Yankee Chief Executive declaring the same thing.  What further proof is needed for one to become convinced that there is no real difference between Barry and the majority of his Republican antagonists?

Deo Vindice

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