31 December 2011

Sotelo's DHS Makes An End-Run

Immigration and Customs Enforcement for the Yankee Nation (ICE) has opened a 24/7 telephone line.  The purpose of which is for apprehended persons who "believe they may be" citizens of the Yankee Nation to call and receive counseling from an on-duty ICE Agent.

How is it that someone does not know of what country he is a citizen?  By establishing such a service, the Yankee Nation's Executive administration is doing a naked end-run around existing law.  As with much of what comes out of the mouth of Barry The Pretender, this new service is all for show.  Any advice that the Tonk may hear over the telephone would be neither admissible nor germane to proceedings in an Immigration court.

Also, it would be interesting to know what instructions have been given to those worthies who are manning the phones. Are they giving legal advice, or are they simply on duty to mollify the ruffled feathers of Tonks who are too stupid to know their nationality?

Certainly, this new development mandated for ICE personnel is nothing new.  During the administration of Carter The Incompetent, INS Commissioner Leonel Castillo placed faux Tonks along the border to document supposed brutality on the part of law enforcement people.

Even though it is nothing new, it is still a step farther toward a totally demoralized cadre of Border patrol Agents.

Deo Vindice

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