05 July 2011

Barry, The Phone's For You - It's Geppetto, Your Daddy

Serial Liar
Barry The Pretender has been lying to us for so long that it probably seems like truth to him.  He told us that, during his first year in office, he would cut the deficit by 50%.  Such has proven not to be the case.  Through his failed Stimulus Plan (through which he financially rewarded his friends) and through the looming threat of Obamacare The Pretender has managed to almost double the national debt he inherited from Bush 43.

While the Masses are diligently discussing Casey Anthony, the real problem of the economy is being under-reported.  Why?  Probably because it doesn't "sell" well to the population of the Yankee Nation who would much rather focus upon other peoples' problems than their own.  In fact, cultural decline in the United States has placed most domestic news agencies in the same general genre as People Magazine.

 Right now, the debt ceiling is at $14.249 trillion dollars (increased from 9 trillion and change in 2008); something unheard of in all of our history.  Putting it in perspective, a trillion is 999.99 billion.  If you had gone into business on the day Jesus was born and lost a million dollars a day - every day, 365 days a year - it would take you until October 2737 to loose one trillion dollars.

Just one of Barry's panaceas has been to print fiat money - Monopoly money; lots of it.  Backed only by the empty promises of its worth, this money (and government checks which purport to represent it) is flooding into the Yankee Nation with astonishing speed.  The time will rapidly approach when other nations - the ones to which we are in debt - will refuse to take empty promises as payments.  We have already borrowed money from China by selling them worthless bonds simply to pay interest on the debt owed to them.  How long do you think Mao's descendants will cooperate with such an airhead scheme.

Barry The Pretender, hopefully, shall serve only four years as Chief Executive of the Yankee Nation, but it will take several generations to repair the damage he has done in those four years.

Deo Vindice

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