18 July 2011

Our Own Village Idiot

Sheila Jackson Lee (D) - of Texas' 18th Congressional District, has placed herself upon the font of stupidity once again.  She insisted that Barry The Pretender is being "disrespected" because he's "Black".
I'm certain that Barbara Jordan's successor must have forgotten the "disrespect" she and her friends have heaped upon previous Chief Executives.

As far as disrespect of those in high public office goes, it has been a national sport even before there were United States.  This Ass Hat is truly a gift to all of us.  She is, not only, a local laughing-stock but is also a shining example of the fact that absolutely anyone may be elected to the Yankee House of Representatives.

If Barry is being "disrespected" it isn't because he is Black (or Half-Black - or Half-White).  Disrespect for him is simply because of his arrogantly destructive conduct while in office.  In short, Barry has earned all of the disrespect he is being accorded.  Our Village Idiot ought to know that, but, because she doesn't, she's laughable upon her own merit.

Deo Vindice

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