15 July 2011

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain ...

Since 1940, the national debt of The Yankee Nation has risen (and has continued to rise) since Secular St. Reagan took office.

The War On The Middle Class is ginning-up and finally getting out of low gear.  Barry The Pretender has seen to it that TYN is rapidly approaching the point that his mentor puppet master (George Soros) shall be done with him and begin his search for another ass clown to manipulate.

The electorate - at least the ones of us who are still capable of rational thought - are going to see to it that Barry is a one-termer as Chief Executive of TYN.  The brain-dead remainder will still refuse to admit that Barry is merely a symptomatic manifestation of a much larger evil-behind-the-curtain.  They will look at the rest of us with genuine bewilderment as we try to explain that his function was to play the fool for his intellectual better: the Wizzard Soros.

The Gang Recoils In Horror As They Discover The Real Yankee President
Soros' most recent mantra is that The Yankee Nation can absorb much more debt than it already has.  One must wonder why anyone would believe such a concept.  it violates common sense as well as any reasonable test of basic economics.  The fact that Barry claims he believes it proves that he is either (A) as stupid as some believe him to be, or (B) a rogue and a liar of the most foul stripe.

We can all feel sorry for him on one account: Michelle has grabbed him by his ears, thrown him up against the wall and insisted that he include her mother as part of the live-in coterie of family as they inhabit the Executive's mansion in Washington City.  In response to being manhandled by his domestic superior,  Barry kicks the dog: the economy.

Deo Vindice

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