01 July 2011

The Yankee President Has No Adult Supervision

Moe, Larry and Shemp
- Friends of Barry
According to Reuters, a leftist European news agency, the "Arab Spring" functionaries (read "Moslem Brotherhood") have made it to within fifty miles of  Gadaffi's HQ.

This stalwart band of True Believers have, through the offices of Barry The Pretender, been emboldened to press-on through the fog of their enthusiasm in order to prove to the world that jingoism is a multilingual phenomenon.

Exactly what has been the reaction of the Yankee President to this new development?  Quoted in a Canadian rag, Barry's reaction was described this way:
"In a combative White House news conference, Obama forcefully defended America's participation in the Libya mission and said congressional leaders were creating a "fuss" over the operation for political reasons."
It appears as if Barry feels free enough to castigate others over "political reasons" but remains unwilling to fess-up to his own.  Another blog author has characterized the Half-blood Prince as being "pathetic and dangerously incompetent".  I couldn't have said it better myself.

Can anyone explain just why we have to be involved at all?  Put the flag down and think for a minute or two .....!

Deo Vindice

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