17 July 2011

Peligro, Gringo !

The U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez (across from El Paso, Texas) has warned that gringos had better be wary if they go into Mexico or otherwise hang around the Port of Entry.
"Information has come to light that suggests a cartel may be targeting the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez or U.S. Ports of Entry.  In the past, cartels have been willing to utilize car bombs in attacks.  We ask American citizens to remain vigilant."

It seems as if the Mexican Marines have captured a high-ranking member of the Chihuahua Cartel.  Because of that, his homies have threatened violence against (1) other cartels, (2) Mexican Marines, (3) the public in general, (4) the Consulate office in Juarez, or (5) official border crossing points.  Similarities between the cartel's threat and a toddler's temper tantrum are obvious, but this threat is not new.  Any citizen of The Yankee Nation - no matter of what race - who doesn't already know that things are not safe for him in Mexico is either ignorant, deluded or both.

Youth Pastors take note: your summer mission trip could just as easily be done in Chicago's South side, Houston's 3rd Ward, or Washington, D.C.'s Southeast.

Deo Vindice

1 comment:

mensajes claro said...

Sounds a litle terrific!.