19 July 2011

Holder Knew. Barry The Pretender Knew.

Ciro Rodriguez (D) Texas 23rd Congressional District sponsored the original Southwest Border Violence Reduction Act of 2009.  In it, he included $15,000 to fund BATFE's Operation Gunrunner.  In case you haven't heard, Gunrunner funded BATFE's Agents literally walking guns into the hands various Mexican Cartels.

A portion of the Act reads this way:

(a) In General- The Attorney General shall dedicate and expand the resources provided for the Project Gunrunner initiative of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to identify, investigate, and prosecute individuals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the international border between the United States and Mexico.
(b) Activities- In carrying out this section, the Attorney General shall--
(1) assign additional agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to the area of the United States adjacent to the international border between the United States and Mexico to support the expansion of Project Gunrunner teams;
(2) establish not fewer than 1 Project Gunrunner team in each State along the international border between the United States and Mexico; and
(3) coordinate with the heads of other relevant Federal law enforcement agencies and State and local law enforcement agencies to address firearms trafficking in a comprehensive manner.
(c) Additional Staff- The Attorney General may hire Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and otherwise expend additional resources needed to adequately support, Project Gunrunner.
(d) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated $15,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 and 2011 to carry out this section.

Since Eric Holder, the Yankee Attorney General had full knowledge of the operation, then it is very safe to believe that his principal (the Yankee Chief Executive), Barry, was aware of it as well.  After all, you don't hide those kind of secrets from your boss - especially if the goal is to ultimately reduce firearm availability (which is something Holder's boss dearly wants).

Barry knew.

Brian Terry, Agent, U. S. Border Patrol (deceased) was killed by one of those weapons from Operation Gunrunner.  Has Agent Terry's widow and fatherless children received any sort of apology from Holder or from The Pretender?  Probably not.  It's not in the Liberal/Progressive bag of tricks.  Subsequent to my own very serious wounds received as a Border Patrol Agent, I heard nothing from The Great Fool (Carter).  I did, however, get a letter while I was in the hospital.  It was from Carter's INS Commissioner, Leonel Castillo.  The substance of the letter was: "Dear Agent Nowhere Man:  You should have expected to have been ambushed and captured.  After all, you are dealing with oppressed people."

The mean-spirited arrogance of Barry The Pretender and his friends is legendary.  What we know of the public side of his administration is that they have refined Carter's bumbling into a true art form.  Quite possibly, Terry's family got a letter from Janet The Clueless.  I wonder what was in it.

Deo Vindice

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