17 July 2011


Governor Rick
Question:  Why do Aggies always smile during lightning storms?

Answer:  They think their picture is being taken.

For those of you who just can't stop ruminating about The Aggie's possible quest for a new address in Washington City, I offer the Perrypedia.  It is a compendium of facts concerning The Aggie.  For instance, did you know that he is a former Democrat and an Al Gore supporter?

Quite possibly, the earth doesn't "have a fever", but it's a safe bet that Perry's potential voters (on a national scale) do.  Otherwise, how could their vision be so clouded?

Deo Vindice.


GM Roper said...

Frank, I'm adding you to my blogroll at http://gmsplace.com. I hope you will reciprocate.

I think Perry would be a better prez than the one we have now, and better than any of the current crop of Republicans, but what do I know?


George. (and good to hear from you).

GM Roper said...

Frank, I'm adding you to my blogroll at http://gmsplace.com. I hope you will reciprocate.

I think Perry would be a better prez than the one we have now, and better than any of the current crop of Republicans, but what do I know?


George. (and good to hear from you).